2023 Year 9 Leadership Roles

By Lynley Harris | Posted: Tuesday February 28, 2023

The students work in partnership with Year 13 prefects and Teachers in Charge to carry out their roles and lead Te Timataka (Year 7 - 9).

Arts - Riley Culling, Liam Davis, Stasa Tucker

Cultural - Elani Mafi, Esther Moata’ane, Maria Moata’ane,

Enviro - Theodora Clarke–Wallace, Evie Dummer, Isobel Taylor


  • Dominic - Sophie Jonathan, Daphne Kendrick, Chloe Uluakiola
  • McAuley - Asher Armstrong, Lily McCabe, Robert McKenzie
  • Nagle - Diarmid McIlvanney, Ola Shittu, Jessica White
  • Rice - Matthew Lemon, Jacob McInnes, Ceira Wrathall

Special Character - Vansh Kumar, Olly Kupenga, Hermione Sparks, Laura Tagg

Sport - Heath Kettish, Made Newson, Melissa Quinn, Daniel Ryan