The Addams Family - Update

By Tor Devereux | Posted: Tuesday February 22, 2022

Unfortunately The Addams Family Production Team has had to make the difficult decision to not go ahead with Kavanagh’s musical for 2022 because of the current Covid-19 restrictions, the ongoing Omicron outbreak and the uncertainty around when we will return to the Orange setting.

Guidelines from the Ministry of Education mean that at the Red setting singing cannot take place inside at school making musical rehearsals challenging and performances impossible. In addition, dance and acting rehearsals would require masks and distancing. And, at the Red setting, the maximum audience size for a performance is 100 people. All of these restrictions mean that it’s not possible to produce a musical in the way we would usually.

The Production Team has had several meetings about the musical over the last few weeks to discuss all this and we’ve explored lots of alternative ideas and options, but the Ministry of Education has now recommended that events such as school musicals should be postponed in the interests of everyone’s safety and wellbeing - and we sadly agree that this is the decision that had to be made. Getting groups of students together from different year levels on a regular basis to rehearse could put people at risk and allow the virus to spread more quickly throughout our school community.

We will look at staging The Addams Family in 2023, but we cannot confirm this until we hear back from the licensing company.

We understand that the musical is a huge highlight of the school year for many of our students and they will be extremely disappointed about this - as we are too. However, we’re committed to finding other new and exciting options in the performing arts area that we can present within the Covid restrictions so there will be opportunities for our talented students to take to the stage this year - unfortunately just not in a big full-school musical.