Guy, Y13, Thailand

By Nicki Ridden-Angus | Posted: Thursday November 2, 2023

In the past six years, my time at Trinity Catholic College has been nothing short of extraordinary. Every moment spent within those hallowed halls, from forming lifelong friendships to learning under the guidance of dedicated teachers, has been a priceless experience. These half-dozen years have been filled with adventures, laughter, and personal growth that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world

One of the highlights of my time at Trinity Catholic College was the unforgettable hiking trip on the Kepler Track. Exploring the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand, surrounded by fellow students and the beauty of nature, left an indelible mark on my heart. The sense of accomplishment after completing the trail was matched only by the stunning vistas we encountered along the way. The camaraderie and bonding that occurred during this adventure are among the fondest memories I will carry with me. 

Another memorable moment was the thrilling water slide event during our year 13 celebrations. It was the perfect culmination of our time at Trinity Catholic College, a joyous and carefree day of fun that brought the entire graduating class together. Zooming down that water slide, we shared laughter, excitement, and a sense of unity that encapsulated the essence of our shared experiences throughout the years. 

Summing up this incredible journey with a single word is a challenging task. However, if I were to choose one word to describe my time at Trinity Catholic College, it would undoubtedly be "amazing." The education, friendships, adventures, and personal growth I've experienced during these six years have been amazing. The memories and lessons I've gathered from this period will stay with me forever, shaping the person I am becoming and inspiring me to embrace the future with enthusiasm and gratitude.

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