News from the Commerce Department
By Commerce Department | Posted: Tuesday March 7, 2023
Economics and Commerce students were invited to participate in the online CensusAtSchool activity hosted by the Department of Statistics at the University of Auckland in association with Stats NZ and the Ministry of Education.
Some of the aims are to:
Foster a positive attitude to statistics by using relevant and accurate data.
Increase awareness of the Nationwide Census.
Improve understanding of a data gathering process, its purposes and benefits to society.
Provide access to large and meaningful multivariate data sets.
Once the results are generated, students will find patterns and make comparisons with students throughout New Zealand.
Some census questions included students measuring their height and foot length; how long they could stand on their left leg with closed eyes; the circumference of their left wrist and left thumb; and the distance they could jump from a standing position; and social media use.
It was a fun activity for the students - particularly the Year 10 students who participated in their 'Flatting' groups.